5th Global Conference of the Co-Chairs’ Circle

Newsletter 2/2024 - Upcoming Events

16-18 May 2024, Frankfurt am Main

The DIS40 will host the 5th Co-Chairs' Circle Conference in Frankfurt am Main from 16 – 18 May 2024. The Co-Chairs’ Circle is an association of young practitioners’ initiatives of various arbitration institutions and groups from all over the world. The Co-Chairs’ Circle Conference takes place every two years.

The topic of the conference is “The Future of Arbitration”. Maxi Scherer (Special Counsel at WilmerHale in London, Professor at the Queen Mary University, and Vice President of the LCIA Court) will kick-off the conference on 16 May 2024 with a keynote in which she will share her thoughts and expectations as to the future of our field.

On 17 May 2024, the event will continue with a panel discussion which will shed light on how different jurisdictions are future-proofing their national arbitration laws. Afterwards, participants will break-out into workshop sessions dealing with topics that will have an impact on the future of international arbitration. By way of example, there will be workshops on the use of AI in international arbitration, on whether international arbitration can make a contribution to tackling the climate crisis, or on how to deal with the increasing complexity of international arbitration disputes, on what skill-set arbitration practitioners of the future will need, on the integration of the global south into global arbitration landscape, or on the compatibility of an international arbitration career with a fulfilling family life. The workshop moderators were selected from all parts of the world and are to the largest extent possible diverse in terms of gender, affiliation, and professional background.

The conference day will close with a party in the German Film Museum, where Pedro Arcoverde (Senior Legal Counsel at Airbus, Paris) will deliver a “young answer” to the keynote by Maxi Scherer.

A working breakfast for the Co-Chairs of the various young practitioners’ groups will take place on 18 May 2024. The conference will end with a wine tasting at the Schloss Vollrads winery.

Around 200 participants from all parts of the world are expected for this year's conference.

For further information please refer to the CCC-website and for registration please click here.

In addition to the five DIS40 Co-Chairs Evgenia Peiffer, Nadja Harraschain, Christoph Gramlich, Christian Steger and Alessandro Covi, the organizing committee includes Elizabeth Hincapié, Henriette Sigmund, Christiane Lenz and David Tebel.

Evgenia Peiffer, Nadja Harraschain, Christoph Gramlich, Christian Steger and Alessandro Covi

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